At Super Nice Advice we love a beer and a yarn.

And so do our clients, Bloody Brilliant Beers.

When you come to us from BBB you get exclusive discounts

Super Nice is different. We are.

But how?

Most accountants are all care and no responsibility.

You don’t hear from them for a year and then all of a sudden you owe $$$$$ in tax, and you owe it now! blah blah blah and here is our invoice.

They simply send off an email and wipe their hands clean.

But it isn’t their fault, they have mostly been consultants their whole life and don’t understand what it is like to pay those nasty ATO bills, which you had no idea were coming.

They also hate having to deal with you. They charge for advice and communicate in cryptic patronizing tones that are hard to understand and make you feel dumb.

We are different.

We provide industry-specific reporting dashboards, peace of mind in compliance and as much communication as you want.

Bloody Brilliant Beers

We started from humble beginnings as a Facebook group of 4 mates, with the intention of building a catalogue of interesting beer reviews.

We were always interested in trying more interesting beers, but scared to spend $25 on 4 beers to find out they were shit! 

A couple of video reviews later, and our group has exploded to over 6,000 members! 

Now our goal is to bring you nothing but the greatest Beer content. We've got a podcast, Vlogs, Blog and heaps of memes. 

All we ask is that you enjoy your beers, and let us know if you do! 

Have you heard about Beer Text?

Sign up to our Beer Text service to receive nothing but exclusive discounts on beers we love at Brisbane Bottle shops! Best part is, it's completely FREE!*

*must be over 18 years of age to sign up

Contact us.

Reach out to find out how Super Nice Advice can discount your accounting